Over the last 170 years, a Jewish and Israeli movement to stop circumcision has emerged. The movement is inspired by modern notions of an individual’s right to their own body, new historical information about the non-Judaic origin of circumcisions in Africa and Egypt, scientific discoveries about the damage caused by circumcision, and a desire to live a higher level of spiritual ethics. They include Jewish mothers, fathers, families, scholars, intellectuals, educators, and Jews around the world. More and more Jewish parents in Israel, America, and the rest of the world are choosing to bypass circumcision, and to keep their new sons intact. Alternative rituals called the Brit B’lee Milah or Bris Shalom are serving as covenant ceremonies rather than surgical circumcision. More Jews are beginning to live their spiritual values and ethics by respecting their son's bodies and refining their rituals accordingly.
♡ Jews Against Circumcision
♡ Jews for the Rights of the Child
♡ Questioning Circumcision by Ron Goldman, PhD.
♡ Officiants of Bris Shalom / Brit B'lee Milah by Mark D. Reiss, M.D. (50+ Rabbis and Jewish Leaders)
Intactivist Jewish Media (Movies, Blogs)
♡ Cut - Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision - A Film by Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
♡ Beyond the Bris Milah: Jewish Intactivist Parenting Forum
♡ Officiants of Bris Shalom / Brit B'lee Milah by Mark D. Reiss, M.D. (50+ Rabbis and Jewish Leaders)
Peaceful Intactivist Covenants: Brit B’lee Milah, Bris Shalom, Brit Chayim, Brit Ben and more.
♡ Officiants of Bris Shalom / Brit B'lee Milah by Mark D. Reiss, M.D. (50+ Rabbis and Jewish Leaders)
♡ Brit Shalom: An Alternative Naming Ceremony by Mark D. Reiss, M.D.
♡ Jewish, and uncircumcised by Hayley Mick, The Globe and Mail (Canada)
♡ Bris Shalom Officiants by Mark D. Reiss, M.D.♡ The Measure of His Grief by Lisa Braver Moss
Peaceful Covenant/Naming Texts for Intactivist Jewish Parents.
♡ Our Son's Bris Shalom, or Welcoming Covenant By Brenda Platt
♡ Bris Shalom Ceremony by Norm Cohen
♡ The Bris Shalom Ceremony
♡ Brit Shalom-Covenant of Wholeness
♡ Brit B'lee Milah Ceremony Text #1
♡ Brit B'lee Milah Ceremony Text #2
♡ My Son: The Little Jew with a Foreskin by Stacey Greenberg
♡ Lucking Into Bris Shalom by Sarah Rockwell
♡ Open Letter from Dr. Jenny Goodman.
♡ A Jewish Woman Denounces Circumcision by Laura Shanley
♡ Intact and Jewish on Natural Parents Network
♡ How "Cut" Saved My Son's Foreskin: A Movie Review by Diane Targovnik
♡ Circumcision: A Jewish Mother Has a Change of Heart
Voices of Intactivist Jewish Parents – Fathers
♡ The Kindest Un-Cut Feminism, Judaism, and My Son's Foreskin by Professor Michael S. Kimmel
♡ Ending Circumcision in the Jewish Community? by Moshe Rothenberg, MSW
Intactivist Jewish Voices - Many Jews Question Circumcision
♡ Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 1
♡ Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 2
♡ Jewish Voices: The Current Judaic Movement to End Circumcision: Part 3
♡ Jews Speak Out in Favor of Banning Circumcision on Minors
Intellectual and Moral Foundations of Jewish Intactivism
♡ Israeli Linguist Vadim Cherny: How Judaic is circumcision?
♡ Being rational about circumcision and Jewish observance by Moshe Rothenberg
♡ Brit Milah : Inconsistent with Jewish Ethics? By D.A. Huffman-Parent,
♡ One Rabbis' Thoughts on Circumcision by Rabbi Nathan Segal
♡ Intactivist of the Month: Leonard Glick, MD, PhD.
♡ Eli Ungar-Sargon Debates Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Ethical Problems of Circumcision
♡ An Alternative Perspective by Jenny Goodman, MD.
♡ Defying Convention: An Interview With Miriam Pollack
♡ A Case for Bris without Milah.
♡ Jerusalem Post: Challenging the Circumcision Myth by Jan Jaben-Eilon [PDF]
Jewish mother and childbirth educator Kathryn Mora who Testified in Support of the MGM Bill at the Massachusetts State House.
Voices of Intactivist Jews - Men
♡ On Circumcision, Authority, and the Perpetuation of Abuse by Jonathan Friedman
♡ Howard Stern: Jewish Intactivist by Rebecca Wald, J.D.
♡ To the Mohel Who Cut Me by Shea Levy
Voices of Intactivist Jews – Women
♡ Circumcision: Identity, Gender, and Power by Miriam Pollack
♡ Circumcision: A Jewish Feminist Perspective by Miriam Pollack
♡ Jewish mom: Circumcision spiritually wounds, breaks bonds and trust
♡ Kahal - Giving Up Brit Milah [In Hebrew] [In English]
♡ Af-Mila - Israeli Intactivist Magazine [In Hebrew] [In English]
♡ Intact Son - the Israeli Association Against Genital Mutilation (In Hebrew)
♡ Protect the Child (In Hebrew)