These false claims need to be addressed. Medical organizations are the ones responsible for making these types of claims, not politicians who have no medical background whatsoever. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) takes a position of not recommending circumcision. Consistent with all previous AAP reports, no proven, actual benefits for circumcision are found. The same is true for all medical organizations in the world.
Please, write to the California governor and let him know what you think about these false claims. You can contact him here. Below is an example of a letter that was sent (thank you, Cassandra!)
Hello Governor,
I'm writing to tell you I am strongly opposed to this bill, AB 768, and I ask that you carefully look over it's claims. The claims made in this bill, such as that circumcision has health benefits, are not in par with the rest of America's health organizations, or the recommendations of various health organizations around the world. There are no potential benefits that justify cutting off bits of genitals from unconsenting people. Absent of a real medical need, it is illegal and unethical to perform surgery, cutting off a healthy body part, on an unconsenting person. The only person to choose circumcision should be the person who has to bear it's consequences. Genital cutting (euphemistically called circumcision) is a crime.
The medical code that is often used for circumcision surgery (ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 605) is "redundant prepuce and phimosis." There is no such thing as redundant prepuce and it is not possible for infants and children to have phimosis, as the foreskin is fused to the penis in infancy and not supposed to be retractile, that is the normal, natural state. It is not a birth defect and it is not grounds for surgery.
There are documented cases of accidental partial or complete amputation of the penis during "routine" infant circumcisions, why should that be a choice a parent can make with risks like that? Nobody has to live with that except the boy who did NOT ask for circumcision. There are documented cases of babies DYING from circumcision complications. Why should we be risking the lives of children for a surgery that is medically UNnecessary (as stated by every medical organization in the world, including the American Academy of Pediatrics)?
I plead with you to take the time to read through this list (link below) of various medical organizations around the world for their recommendations on circumcision. It would be a grave mistake for America to enact into law a bill that stated circumcision has any real medical benefit when the rest of the world, and even our own AAP, states it is medical unnecessary.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Cassandra S.