We never heard back, but clearly they weren't listening. Today Fit Pregnancy released a new article, Your Newborn: A User's Guide. This article includes incomplete instructions on how to care for a circumcision wound, and absolutely no information whatsoever regarding intact care. Once again, Fit Pregnancy is sugar coating what is truly a life-threatening, excruciatingly painful surgical amputation that forever violates the rights of an innocent child and the man he will one day grow up to be.
Here's an excerpt from their article:
Post Operative Complications to Watch For Immediately Following the Circumcision:
Bleeding, infection, urinary retention, urethral fistula, dislodged Plastibell circumcision device, complications from anesthetics, pain, abnormal sleep patterns, excessive crying, unwillingness to feed, and death.
Long-Term Complications to Watch For Following the Circumcision:
Adhesions, meatal stenosis, preputial stenosis, buried penis, curved penis, excessive scarring, tight erections, keratinization, desensitization, erectile dysfunction, and sense of loss.
Intactivists: it's time to take action. Let Fit Pregnancy know that we are fed up with them normalizing the genital cutting of infants! Share this TWN News article, leave a comment on Fit Pregnancy's Facebook page, call them at 800-423-5590, and write them a letter and mail it to:
Fit Pregnancy
4 New York Plaza, 4th floor
New York, NY,