The WHOLE Network (TWN) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to providing accurate information about circumcision and proper intact care. We supply information to both medical professionals and the general public, both in the United States and abroad.
We are men. We are women. We are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. We are daughters and sons. Some of us are intact. Some of us are circumcised. We have intact sons. We have circumcised sons. We are from all across the world. We are all very different, but one thing remains the same: we are committed to spreading accurate information to those in need.
If you're new here, please visit our Library to find endless resources with accurate, up-to-date information concerning circumcision and the prepuce (foreskin). You can also find an Intact-Friendly doctor in your area here. If you would like to get involved, please see our Locations or visit our Facebook page (which is a great place to meet other genital integrity activists, ask questions, and share ideas).
As always, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are here to help with any questions!
The WHOLE Network: Accurate Circumcision & Foreskin Information