Russell Brand: No we don't do it in England. It's just more like, people don't worry about it. They just, they just let it go, that sort of thing.
Howard Stern: I approve of that. Yeah I approve of that. I don't think God meant us to lose a part of our penis.
Russell Brand: Yeah what's the point? It's a bit unfair, isn't it, to do that to babies? I mean, you're alive a little while, start chopping bits of his dick off. I don't think God cares about that. He's got a lot on.
Howard Stern: Do you have any trouble with your penis in terms of um, like they say the smegma and all this kind of stuff?
Russell Brand: No no no you've got to look after that fellow. No no he's in great shape, thank you very much for asking.
Howard Stern: Do any of these American girls freak out because you're uncircumcised?
Russell Brand: They seem very grateful to be honest.
Howard Stern: Really?
Russell Brand: Well yeah of course they do. They're havin' the time of their lives. They can't start complaining about religious ceremonies. They're in the throes of ecstasy!