Putting a boy into the bath several times a day helps. The body, air, and water are the best healers. Of course, parents must be vigilant about watching for infection beyond the initial inflammation for the first week following forcible retraction. The other complication could be adhesions, but we're learning that they, too, usually resolve just as the normal balanopreputial membrane (synechia) resolves.
Adhesions (or skin bridges) are the result of two raw tissues healing together. Some doctors recommend putting Vaseline on the glans for a week to ten days so that the two structures will heal without reattaching. However, it may be best to see what his reaction is to retraction of his foreskin. If it's painful and traumatic for him, leave it alone and hope for the best. If adhesions form, we can hope that they will resolve by themselves. If not, topical creams can be prescribed or the adhesions can be lysed after the boy goes through puberty (18-25 years) when his penis is done developing. At that time, he will also be able to understand what is happening to his body and can have proper pain medication. Of course, if problems develop prior to puberty, they would have to be dealt with when they present themselves.
If you have been retracting your son's foreskin for a prolonged period of time, the same rules apply. Leave it alone, and wait until he retracts it on his own. Because he hasn't gone through puberty yet, the body isn't producing anything that needs to be 'rinsed'. So if he gets an especially dirty diaper, sitting in a warm water bath should take care of the cleaning.
Once he can retract it on his own, the only thing he should do is use warm water to rinse. No soap, no scrubbing. Soap under the foreskin can cause an imbalance in the natural flora, which could lead to irritation or infection. If you are going to use soap in a bath, make sure to use it at the very end of the bath.
It is important that the person who forcefully retracted your son be sent accurate information on proper care of the intact penis. TWN has a "Don't Retract" Pack available if you would like to order one for them.
You can also contact Doctors Opposing Circumcision, who offers assistance to families with forcibly retracted sons. They are happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Some other links concerning forced retraction:
Forced Retraction: Don't Let it Happen to Your Son