This article has been temporarily removed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Find more information about how circumcision harms sexual function here:
Dan Bollinger
5/30/2012 11:35:19 pm
What journal was this published in?
Teri Mitchell
6/3/2012 01:41:57 pm
Dan B.- it has not been published in a journal. I am the author. I am in graduate school, and I wrote this literature review for my research class.
Jennifer Treat
6/14/2012 09:51:41 am
Very well written article, I will have to show this to all of my 'nay saying' family. Thank you for sharing it!
roger desmoulins
10/13/2012 05:02:12 am
I hypothesize that the circumcised penis looses sensitivity with age more quickly than the intact one does. To my knowledge, no study has done justice to this possibility. Investigating it will require a sample with many subjects over 40. 10/13/2012 06:50:26 pm
Circumcision and Adult Penile Sensitivity & Sexual Dysfunction thanks for explaining me how to overcome this deficiency..I visit this first time & it has a very valuable information. & some decent design as well. I would like to appreciate writer's nice effort. Wish u best of luck Comments are closed.
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