Dr. Robert Van Howe
Millwood Street Primary Care
130 Millwood Street
Caro, MI
Thumb Pediatrics
6190 Hospital Dr
St 105
Cass City, MI
"The most knowledgeable pediatrician in the country on the issue of circumcision." -Marilyn Fayre Milos, RN
Dr. Kienan Murphy, DO
The Children's Office
2184 S Ballenger Hwy,
Flint Township, MI 48503
"This doc is intact friendly and vaccine free friendly. When I asked his opinion on circ he simply said it's not necessary and is cosmetic. He's very friendly and great with kids of all ages."
Dr. Halina T Weidner Czaja, MD
43900 Garfield Rd Ste 205
Clinton Township, MI 48038
"She is from Poland, so she is used to and knowledgeable about intact boys."
Jill Ellsasser, PA-C
County Creek Family Physicians
4986 Adams Rd
Suite A
Rochester Hills, MI 48306
We have never seen either doctor, Al Juocys, DO or Shailaja Restogi, MD and do not know if they are foreskin friendly, but Jill has been great.
Stacey Kastl, MD
2940 Crooks Rd
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309
"We did not know the sex of our son until he was born so unfortunately we never discussed circumcision or researched it and assumed it was something that had to be done. All of that changed when Dr. Kastl came to examine our son and we inquired about circumcising him. She told us that it was a purely cosmetic procedure that had no medical benefits! She has never attempted to retract him and informed us to only clean what is seen. Great family doctor all around!"
Dr. Flora E. Biancalana
Rising Star Wellness Center Plc.
3189 Logan Valley Rd
Traverse City, MI
"Dr. Flora Biancalana is intact friendly and knowledgeable about foreskin care. My midwife recommended her when I was pregnant with my son. She's trained in homeopathy, provides information about vaccines but never pushes them, is pro-homebirth, pro VBAC, and is very good with my little one. I also love that I can call the office any time and get medical advice from the nurse or Dr. B."
Dr. Marcia Newcombe
26850 Providence Parkway
Suite 455
Novi, MI USA 48374
"She works with a bunch of other doctors. My son is 6months old and never recommended circumcision and said he was perfectly fine as is. She's also a supporter of breastfeeding and is all around great."
Rekha Kostecke, MD
Ste 307, 1550 North Milford Road
Milford, MI 48381-1058
"I asked Dr. Kostecke about proper intact care and she advised me to leave it alone and just wipe it like any other part of the body during diaper changes. I asked her yesterday if I could add her to this list and she said, 'YES!' and went on to talk about the benefits of leaving boys whole. She said her son is intact and also said that her brother is a urologist who kept HIS boys intact, too. Dr. Kostecke also works with patients who choose not to vaccinate."
Dr. David S. Olson, MD
3537 W. Front Street, Ste. G
Traverse City, MI 49684
ph: (231) 935-8822
fx: (231) 935-8837
"Before I could tell him not to retract, he stated that there is NO reason to retract and clean and to leave it alone. He also said there was nothing wrong at all with being intact."
Dr. Michelle Storms MD
1414 W. Fair Avenue, Suite 36
Marquette, MI 49855
"I am a family medicine physician in Marquette, Michigan who is anti-circumcision and foreskin-friendly."
Dr. Charles (Charlie) Christensen, MD
Women and Children's Health Services
Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
"Very awesome pediatrician that said my son was "as God made him" and knew the proper care is never to retract."
Janelle Stutzman, MD
Dennis Mogle, MD
MMPC Pediatrics
1545 68th St.
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
"Dr. Stutzman and Dr. Mogle are Foreskin Knowledgable and very attachment parenting friendly." "There are other physicians in this practice, but I do not know if they are foreskin friendly. This practice is very AP friendly in general. They "require" vaccines, but do allow selective and delayed vaccination schedules. They have evening, Saturday and Sunday hours as well. Dr. Mogle told me, "Don't worry about the foreskin till at least 8 or 9 years old." He also thanked me for leaving my son intact." "The doctors do not perform circumcisions. Dr. Stutzman said she has only referred out for a circumcision one time, ever, and that was for a child with severe problems."
Joseph S. Kozlowski Jr, DO
Kozmic Family Practice
840 E Mount Hope Ave # 200
Lansing, MI 48910-3293
"My son is 19 months old and Dr Kozlowski has been 100% supportive of him being intact. There have never been any issues with attempted retraction or asking about circing. The only mention ever was "I see you left him intact!" with a smile at my son's first appointment when he was a few days old. And telling ME to make sure not to retract him to clean it, but to leave it alone."
Jeffery Striebel, DO
4851 E. Pickard St.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Dr. Kienan Murphy, DO
The Children's Office Pediatrics
2184 S Ballenger Hwy
Flint, MI 48503
"This doc is intact friendly and vaccine free friendly. When I asked his opinion on circ he simply said it's not necessary and is cosmetic. He's very friendly and great with kids of all ages."
Dr. Kelly Harte, MD
Canton Health Center
1051 North Canton Center Road
Canton, MI 48187
Dr. Evan Kass
2221 Livernois Suite 103
Troy, MI
Hutzel Women's Hospital
3980 John R St,
Detroit, MI 48201
The nurses and pediatricians were all intact friendly. They look at me like I was crazy when I said don't retract his foreskin. I was told, "why would I do that?"