Dr. Lampert
32 York St
York, Maine
"When I told him we were NOT mutilating my perfect child he literally jumped up and down!! He suggested co-sleeping to me, was VERY supportive of breastfeeding (from the beginning and well after my son was 1) and has been patient with my delayed vaccination schedule."
Dr. Lisa Nielsen
Katahdin Valley Health Center
1300 Crystal Road Lisa Nielsen
Island Falls, Maine
"She has never said a word about my son being intact, has never touched his penis or mentioned retraction or anything of the sort. I don't know if that means that she is pro-foreskin, but she definitely knows to leave it alone."
Kenneth J. Baker, DO
25 Main Street
Mercer, ME 04957
"He is an outspoken opponent of circumcision. He does not perform the procedure and has stated so in several articles. He has been associated with the USA’s NOCIRC organization."
Maggie Zamboni, DO
University Health Care for Kids
295 Forest Ave.
Portland, Maine 04102
207-772-KIDS (5437)
"She is non-judgmental, and has never done any retraction of the foreskin when doing checks."