Dr. Beth Duvall
Dr. Julie Myers
6611 Clyo Rd
Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
Suite A
Dayton, OH 45459
"This doctor does not retract and understands the harms of retraction."
Dr. Alexandre Rotta, MD
Department of Pediatrics-Pediatric Critical Care
UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
11100 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44106
Watch him speak here: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=708429772568196
Cornerstone Pediatrics
76 Remick Blvd
Springboro, OH 45066
Dr. Charles Kratz, MD
Family Practicioner
Oakhill Medical Associates
4879 US Highway 68 S
West Liberty, OH 43357-9525
"My Dr is foreskin friendly. We also do delay/selective vax and not only does he support it, he does the same for his kids. Love him!"
Dr. Shelly Mills, DO
Family Practice
1250 Ralston Avenue
Defiance, OH 43512
"Dr. Shelly Mills, Defiance Regional, is AWESOME!"
Dr. Dhanu Sant
WholeKids Pediatrics
1335 Dublin Road, Suite 114E
Columbus, Ohio 43215
"Great doctor. I am a first time mom and she has been wonderful in helping to educate us and giving us resources to look at while at home. She 100‰ supports intact boys and knows all about proper techniques. She is also non vax friendly! She does not practice wholistic medicine....but is as close as it comes while not practicing. Oh and she also supports home births and works with many midwives in the area! :-) i would recommend her to anyone in the area!!!"
Robert C. Forsythe, M.D.
Riverside Pediatric Associates
4885 Olentangy River Rd.
Suite #2-10
Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 267-7878
"I chose this doctor on recommendation from another friend with several intact boys. She said he was the one who told her to never retract and just let it happen in it's own time. When I interviewed him over the phone to ask if those in his practice knew proper intact care, he seemed to be trying to argue against circumcision even though I told him we were already decided against it. He has never even touched my son's foreskin during exams."
Dr. Julie Hertzer, MD
Advanced Pediatrics
3733 Park East Drive
Suite 102
Beachwood, OH 44122-4334
phone: 216-591-1515
fax: 216-591-1544
[email protected]
"Dr. Hertzer at Advanced Pediatrics (Beachwood) is intact-friendly. She was in disbelief that any doctor would retract a child when we discussed it. They also do delayed or selective vaccinations."
Dr. Kevin Dickerson
4885 Olentangy River Rd Suite #2-10
Columbus, OH
"Dr. Dickerson knows that retraction often doesn't happen until puberty and knows not to force or advise retraction. He also gives a very positive response to parents who decide not to circumcise. The practice will do circumcisions, though."
Dr. John Delliquadri, DO
Family Practice
Delliquadri and Delliquadri Dos
116 E Liberty St
Girard, OH 44420
"We take our five month old son to John Delliquadri in Girard and have never had a problem with him. He has never once taken my sons diaper off either."
Dr. Edward J. Lane
Family Practice
7901 Diley Rd #200
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Dr. Nancy Hesz, MD
1659 W 2nd St
Xenia, OH 45385
"EXCELLENT doctor with great staff! I have an intact nephew brought there and no
one has ever attempted to retract, and Dr Hesz is extremely supportive (and
knowledgeable) of decisions to remain intact."
Thomas Bartman, MD, PhD
700 Children's Drive
Columbus, OH 43205
PH: (614) 722-4559
FX: (614) 722-4541
Thomas writes: As a pediatrician, I am dedicated to providing the best possible care for all of my patients, and I do so without regard to race, financial status, or gender. Thus, I am concerned about the apparent disparity in the opinions of the AAP regarding the circumcision of males and females.
In July 1998, the AAP Committee on Bioethics issued a statement condemning the
mutilation of female genitalia.1 Although female genital mutilation (FGM) exists
in many horrendous variations, that statement clearly included within its
definition of FGM "excision of the skin surrounding the clitoris" [paragraph 6].
In that report the Committee also clearly stated that pediatricians should
"decline performing all medically unnecessary procedures to alter female
genitalia" [paragraph 4]. Furthermore, under the heading "Cultural and Ethical
Issues" the Committee stated that the parents' cultural, societal, and religious
beliefs do not give them the right to consent to a medically unnecessary
procedure for their child.
Therefore, I was dismayed to read that in March 1999 the AAP Task Force on Circumcision failed to afford the same protection to our male patients.2 This report stated that male circumcision "is not essential to the child's well-being". In other words, it is not medically necessary. However, the Task Force stated that "it is legitimate for parents to take into account cultural, religious, and ethnic traditions ... when making this decision." This is something with which I strongly disagree. Just as no surgeon would perform a medically unnecessary appendectomy just because the parents desire one for their child, so should we, as the protectors of children, refuse to perform unnecessary mutilating procedures on our patients simply because of their parents' desires. Remember, we are not "religious" or "cultural" or "ethnic" practitioners. We are
physicians who should practice medicine, not rituals.
Therefore, I hope that my fellow pediatricians will join me in declining to perform medically unnecessary procedures to alter either male or female genitalia, and I ask the AAP to reconvene the Committee on Bioethics to review the policy statement of the Task Force on Circumcision.