Dr. Rebecca Lashbrook. MD
280 Clinton Court
Meadville, PA 16335-3362
Dr. Strassman Rima L MD
Children's Healthcare
1517 Pond Rd,
Allentown, PA
"The office is not too non-vax friendly, however."
Dr. Paul J. Trainer, MD
East Suburban Pediatrics
1909 Lincoln Way
White Oak, PA 15131
Keystone Pediatrics
830 Fifth ave., Suite 103
Chambersburg, Pa. 17201
"I have taken my son here since he was born. They asked if he was circumcised at his first visit (to put on his record) , I told them no and the subject hasn't been brought up since. He's had every doctor in the practice at least once and the closest they come to his penis is opening his diaper at check ups to make sure both testicles are there. His actual penis hasn't ever been touched. I haven't had any pressure to circumcise him nor have they tried to attribute any issues to him being intact."
Dr. Carl Hildebrandt, MD
East Side Pediatrics
5808 Eva Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
"His sons are intact. He is also pro breastfeeding and willing to accept patients on alternative vaccine schedules."
Dr. Dominic J. McFadden, MD
Blue Bell Family Practice
653 Skippack Pike Suite 130
Blue Bell, PA 19422
215-643-0707One fan did contact us to report a bad customer service experience with a female receptionist when she called.
Dr. Jean Flood, MD
Steiner Medical & Therapeutic Center
1220 Valley Forge Road, Bldg. 35/36
Phoenixville, PA 19460
"Pro-Breastfeeding, Pro-Foreskin, Pro-Selective Vaccination, Pro-Homeopathic Medicine. Dr. Flood also has two intact boys of her own! Super, Duper crunchy practice. Love Them- but avoid appointments with Dr. Corpus."
Dr. Anna Suray, MD
Three Robinson Plaza
Suite 100 Route 60 & Park Manor Drive
Pittsburgh, PA
Lisa R. Caso, DO
Tender Care Pediatrics
3330 Nazareth Rd
Easton, PA 18045
"She *does* perform circumcisions but has never even attempted to retract our son or mention anything about circumcision or retraction."