We at The WHOLE Network would like to thank you for your monthly contribution. Your support is vital to this growing grassroots movement and will help us to:
•Reach others via Facebook advertisements •Send out accurate circumcision and intact care information to hospitals and doctors •Mail information packets to expecting parents who need them •Fund educational booths at fairs and expos across the country •Much much more!
In return you will receive updated newsletters about our current projects and what is in the works. You will be entered in exclusive giveaways and drawings for the opportunity to win information cards, magnets, shirts, decals and more!
In addition to your financial contribution we value your thoughts. If you have suggestions on how to spread our message please submit your ideas to our team. Let’s work together to sow as many seeds as possible!
Again, thank you. Without your help, we wouldn't be able to reach as many people as we do. Because of your generosity, we are able to provide information to thousands of those in need.
Sincerely – The WHOLE Network
The WHOLE Network: Accurate Circumcision & Foreskin Information