It is often said that a "Plastibell" circumcision is painless and doesn't involve any cutting or blood. Many people say that it is a more "gentle" circumcision without any risks. All of these statements are false. No circumcision is painless. The foreskin contains thousands of concentrated, specialized nerve endings. It is the most sensitive part of the penis. Any cutting on this part of the body is extremely painful, even with anesthetic (which will never provide 100% pain relief).
All circumcisions involve cutting, tearing and blood (even Plastibell methods). From birth, the foreskin is fused to the head of the penis (like a fingernail is fused to a finger). Before any circumcision begins, the foreskin must be ripped away from the glans. With a Plastibell circumcision, typically the foreskin is slit down the top to allow the insertion of the Plastibell. When in place, a string is tightly tied to necrotize the foreskin. After everything is secured, the excess skin is removed with scalpel or scissors.
A video of a Plastibell infant circumcision can be seen below:
The Plastibell procedure also has many dangers. It is not "safer" or "without risk". In fact, there are studies surrounding the complications of this method. Below are some photos involving just a few complications from Plastibell circumcisions:
(WARNING: these photos are very graphic and not intended to be viewed by children. Some adults may be offended by them. Viewer discretion is advised.)